The Chakras

In Sanskrit, the word “chakra” means “disk” or “wheel” and refers to the energy centers in your body. These wheels or disks of spinning energy each correspond to certain nerve bundles and major organs. Chakras are energy centers within the human body that help to regulate all its processes, from organ function to to the immune system and emotions. Each of these potent energy centers has a unique vibrational frequency.

Witness Oneness

As the lower chakras become balanced and activated, the kundalini awakens and begins climbing the awakened chakras. When kundalini pierces a balanced third eye, enlightment is shown to the witness.


Please visit our channel on YouTube which contains many chakra and frequency meditation videos. Explained below, in a brief yet informative manner, are the individual chakras.

Crown Chakra

Higher States of Consciousness

Color: White - Purple - Gold - Light

Frequency: 963 Hz

Sanskrit Name: Sahasrara

Location: Top of Head

Functions: Liberation

General: The portal to your higher perfect self. The Golden Bowl. The Lotus Flower. Only a properly enlightened third eye can fertilize this flower. This chakra is a connection to the universe, the divine source of creation. It is the doorway to the understanding of oneness.

Third Eye Chakra

Seeing Beyond the Veil

Color: Indigo

Frequency: 852 Hz

Sanskrit Name: Ajna

Location: Center of Brain. Pineal Gland.

Functions: The doorway uniting vision and understanding of inner and outer worlds.

General: Opening one's third eye can manifest into the physical, things witnessed, through the pineal gland, during deep meditative observation states. This is the union place of Shiva(cosmic consciousness) and Shakti(life force). This is the chakra of intuition, wisdom.

Throat Chakra

Communication: Compassion, Sharing, and Understanding

Color: Blue

Frequency: 741 Hz

Sanskrit Name: Vishuddha

Location: Center of Neck

Functions: Clear communication

General: Speak with the clarity, the confidence, and the compassion that comes from understanding of knowing. The throat chakra is the connection to the ability of communicating deep, inner truths. This chakra activates the energy of authenticity and truth. The throat chakra is the home of communication, self-expression and the creative.

Heart Chakra

Unconditional Love

Color: Green - Pink

Frequency: 639 Hz

Sanskrit Name: Anahata

Location: Center of Chest

Functions: Projection of Universal Love

General: The heart chakra is the center of deeply bonding with others. It guides your sense of caring and compassion. It is the chakra of self-love, generosity, kindness, and respect. A balanced heart chakra gives one the ability to grieve properly and attain peace and tranquility. Freeing and unblocking the heart chakra will bring forth deep connections, and cause experiences of harmonious exchange of energies with the oneness of all around you.

Solar Plexus Chakra

Center of Willpower

Color: Yellow

Frequency: 541 Hz

Sanskrit Name: Manipura

Location: Above the navel, below the sternum

Functions: A balanced solar plexus will bring forth a heathy outlook on life.

General: This chakra is characterized by the expression of will, personal power, and mental abilities. The energy of the solar plexus chakra is moved when we assert ourselves in the world. The solar plexus chakra is all about the perception of one's self. A balanced solar plexus brings the abilities to move forward in life with confidence and power and to make conscious choices to be proactive.

Sacral Chakra

Abundance, Fertility, Health

Color: Orange

Frequency: 417 Hz

Sanskrit Name: Svadhisthana

Location: Just below the navel

Functions: Fertility, Health, Creativity

General: The sacral chakra is the nuturiing greenhouse of one's creativity and ideas. This chakra carries the energies of feeling, emotion, pleasure, sensuality, intimacy, and connection. A balanced sacral chakra allows one to enjoy the pleasures of life and having the passions that go with it and reignites the creative flow, allowing the enjoyment of the spontaneity of life.

Root Chakra

Grounding and Security

Color: Red

Frequency: 396 Hz

Sanskrit Name: Muladhara

Location: Base of Spine

Functions: Basic needs. Foundation, Survival.

General: The root chakra is the first chakra and is associated with the feelings of safety and grounding. It’s at the base of the spine and lays the foundation for expansion in your life. An activated and and balanced root chakra grounds us, keeps our emotional, physical, and spiritual equilibrium in check and creates a direct clear path for energy to flow smoothly throughout the body.