Fire Signs

Passionate, Dynamic, and Tempermental.

Aries | The Ram | First House | (Mar 21-Apr 19): Courageous, determined, confident, enthusiastic, optimistic, honest, passionate

Leo | The Lion | Fifth House | (July 23-Aug 22): Creative, passionate, generous, warm-hearted, cheerful, humorous

Sagittarius | The Archer | Ninth House | (Nov 22-Dec 21): Generous, idealistic, great sense of humor

Water Signs

Intuitive, emotional, sensitive, mysterious, refreshing.

Cancer | The Crab | Fourth House | (June 21-July 22): Tenacious, highly imaginative, loyal, emotional, sympathetic, persuasive

Scorpio | The Scorpion | Eighth House | (Oct 23-Nov 21): Resourceful, brave, passionate, stubborn, a true friend

Pisces | The Fish | Twelfth House | (Feb 19-Mar 20): Compassionate, artistic, intuitive, gentle, wise, musical

Air Signs

Action, Ideas, and Motion.

Gemini | The Twins | Third House | (May 21-Jun 20): Gentle, affectionate, curious, adaptable, ability to learn quickly and exchange ideas

Libra | The Scales | Seventh House | (Sep 23-Oct 22): Cooperative,diplomatic, gracious, fair-minded, social

Aquarius | The Water Bearer | Eleventh House | (Jan 20-Feb 18): Progressive, original, independent, humanitarian

Earth Signs

Slow and steady, loyal and stable, practical, materialistic.

Taurus | The Bull | Second House | (Apr 20-May 20): Reliable, patient, practical, devoted, responsible, stable

Virgo | The Virgin | Sixth House | (Aug 23-Sep 22): Loyal, analytical, kind, hardworking, practical

Capricorn | The Goat | Tenth House | (Dec 22-Jan 19): Responsible, disciplined, self-control, good managers